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Girls worldwide suffer indignities, infection, even exploitation trying to stay in school. Being left to solutions like these.                  Your support of DfG kits changes lives.

Their Stories - Success  & Achievement

Recipients: Girls & Women


Meet 12 yr old Kgotso (Second from the left. Prounounced Go-tso). She doesn't define herself as an orphan, she sees herself as an advocate for DFG and since she heard about it has been helping others to make their own kits. She learned about DFGZ when Ambassadors of Women's Health traveled to Nzilikazi to teach a girls club of 200. Kgotso is an innovator too. She used her PUL scraps to make a tiny bag for a single liner to take to the latrine during school. Others started making them too. Today she continues to hold DFG meetings at her school. Now THAT's empowering a leader.

Exploited No More

​​The girls were radiant when we shared what we had come with. 500 young women in the slums near Kibera, Kenya received DFGI kits and learned about health, hygiene and safety. According to one report from the World Health Organization 74% of African girls are sexually exploited before age 12, so we discussed not only hygiene and how to use kits, but also about their worth and encouragement to stand up for each other and against abuse. Nicole* (Not her real name to protect her identity) was one who came forward with huge gratitude. She explained that many of the girls were exploited in exchange for hygiene before we came. She said if they wanted to leave their rooms or attend class, they had to agree to have "relations" with the director of their school who would only offer them funds for hygiene if they did. Her testimony was not alone. Many others confirmed her story. When we realized how great the ramifications are for those that go without - and the power a simple solution has, we knew we had to help more. That was the day our program was born.

The Biggest Cheer
Perhaps the most demonstration of gratitude we have ever "heard" was at a deaf school in Kisii, Kenya.            The girls there watched the signing translator introduce each of the team and at each introduction they signed "hello" and then raised their hands with polite finger wiggling "Spirit fingers", a sign we were told represented    a cheer.  But when they were told that what the team brought were washable feminine hygiene, their eyes widened and eyebrows raised as in in orchestrated union. Then their arms shot as high as they could wave them and their fingers wriggled with wild enthusiasm.  The only sound were groans of excitement. It was the most powerful evidence of the joy these kits bring that our teams had ever witnessed. Supporters made it all possible.

Corn Husks
The doctor's photo made us literally gasp. Victoria* (Not her real name) came a few days after DFGI kits were distributed in Zimbabwe. The kits were all distributed. She wept. She is a bright girl and all she wanted was to stay in school. So she had been using what she had access to - corn husks. The resulting untreated infections were so severe that scarring created crippling adhessions. She is 16 years old. Today she has a safe and healthy solution, thanks to Days for Girls International volunteers.
As weeks progressed the distribution was featured in the national newspaper. More and more women requested DFGI kits. We answered the call by traveling there to train women so they can train women to make kits - a project that resulted in thousands of Zimbabwe women regaining days of dignity, education, safety, and health within 6 months.. All thanks to the many generous partners and supporters of DfGI.​

Christine's Story  

How Days for Girls has made a difference for her and why being a Days for Girls Ambassador of Women's Health matters so much to her. Read her story in her own words. Warning: Christine's story is honest, frank and hard to "hear."  We didn't edit what she had to say (except spelling for clarity). Skip this one if you think the reality may be too difficult. Really. There's plenty of other things to read and learn here on the website.  We won't blame you! PS: Good news, this all ends happy!  

Click if you dare, HERE.


"I sewed my first tri-fold liners today and was almost brought to tears when I saw what was basically a small piece of fabric, and I thought what an enormous difference that could make to a young woman half a world away! It is an honor and a privilege to be a part of this remarkable team."

- Sybilann Williams, Dr. OBGYN and Vital DfG Team member

Africa Mission Services would like to thank “Days For Girls” for their contribution of pads for the Oloosinon Primary School in Engos, Kenya. As a group of volunteer girls gave out the pads and did a demonstration and talk - the school girls (5th-8th grade) were thrilled! Many girls said they were unable to come to school during their periods because they had no products or had to use rags. Even the school teachers wanted pads saying, “Can we have some? We are girls too!!!” A special thank you to all who donated of their time and means to make these kits for the girls. Days for Girls is doing a wonderful work! God bless you all .
- Francis Jordon, Project Manager​

“I am among thousands of girls in Zimbabwe who suffered during High school days.  I used to hate my period.... It meant l had to choose between humiliation of managing a period with no resources at school or stay at home. Most of the time l would end up using newspaper which used to give me rashes. l was very scared of messing my uniform 'cause it had happened to me and to others and the boys in our class laughed at us. We would stop going for awhile. It seriously interrupted our learning. This project is my passion.”  

- Linda Guzha who today is our DfG Zimbabwe Director.

Welcome to the team Linda! You are such a great example of why we all support Days for Girls.

“WOW!!!... My experience with the feminine kits, was much better than I could have imagined. I was surprised at the community doctor's enthusiasm but came to realize that he just understood the need for these kits and was excited to be a part of what we were doing because of you all!"

- Scott  Walton, Sustain Haiti



"When I first hear about the plight of the girls in Africa, I felt sick inside.    
I bought paper bead necklaces to support a group of young women who wanted to stay in school--but it was such a small thing.  Then my aunt told me about Days for Girls.  I cried when I realized here was something I could do to help.  
Over the summer I collected fabric and other supplies and purchased a serger.  From the first time I sat down at my sewing machine, I could feel the spirit and importance of this work.  My first 10 kits were completed in early October.  I found an organization in Logan, Utah that was sending kits and an education team to Santa Rosa, a rural island community up the Amazon River in Peru.  It was such a wonderful feeling to know that my kits could help change the lives of these young girls in Peru.
Days for Girls has changed my life.  I have a very busy schedule, but I always make time to sew.  I love this program and the feeling I get knowing that even though I live in rural Wyoming, there is something I can do to help." 

- Cindy Y.



Share your Story!

Experienced this issue?
Seen the need?
Shared kits?
We want to hear! 
Please share your experiences with us.  Your voice counts.


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