Start a Team
Have fun. Change lives. Ready to invite friends or group to join you in volunteering with Days for Girls for a project? You can register as a Team today!
Teams are 2 or more volunteers working to contribute to Days for Girls. As a team, together you will set your goals and join a network of dedicated volunteers worldwide.
Are you ready to take your volunteering up a notch with Days for Girls? After becoming a team you have the option of meeting critieria to become a Chapter. Building a Chapter is an exciting way to raise awareness and forward the Days for Girls mission.
1. Review the Chapter and Teams in your area to determine if you might wish to join one already near you. Ready to do your own instead?
2. Click here to fill out the Team Registration Form.
3. If you have any trouble please contact registrar@daysforgirls.org
4. You will receive a Welcome Letter recognizing your team as an official Days for Girls team.
5. Hold your first team activity.
6. Change lives around the globe.
Don't sew? Contribute your unique talents in other ways, raise awareness, fundraise, collect kit items, help assemble kits with a Chapter or Team or with DfGI, or find your own way to contribute.
We need you!
What is the difference between a Days for Girls Chapter and Team?
Both are volunteer groups coordinated by generous and talented volunteers. Teams are a group of people who work on Day for Girls kit components from time to time and help to build important awareness.
Chapters are "flags on the planet" where people can send kit components. Kits are assembled and distributed by these dedicated volunteers as well. Chapters also are willing to present about Days for Girls and do fundraising to empower more kits. Some chapters are very small. Some are large. All work hard to change lives for girls and women around the globe. They are the heart of Days for Girls and very special people.
All Chapters start as teams, some teams choose to expand and fulfill simple requirements then apply to become a Chapter.
You can join a Chapter or Team near you. Tell them thank you for us when you connect with them, okay? Or you can form one yourself by applying to register. Either way, welcome to Days for Girls! What a difference you will make.