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Ready to serve and hoping to distribute Days for Girls Kits with your program? Need DfG Kits for your organization? What a difference you are about to make!





Days for Girls Washable Hygiene Kit

Each DfG Kit 
gives her 
8 months 
back​ in just
3 years*

3 ways to get Days for Girls Kits to those who need them:

REQUEST KITS - Hand-crafted with care and love by Days for Girls (DfG) Chapters and teams or purchased by In-country programs that create jobs and local health leadership (available in Uganda, Kenya and Ghana)


DISTRIBUTE KITS - The education that comes with DfG kits is vital. How to use and care for their DfG kit and basic women's health and safety. DfG distribution: the power of sustainable solutions paired with women's health and safety education. 

EMPOWER KITS - Reach women and communities by funding &/or learning to teach DfG Kit 

construction, reproductive health,  hygiene, personal safety and value. Contact for more information.

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