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Kit How-to Videos

How to Sew DfG Kit Components, Tips on Cutting Fabrics, and How to Assemble the Kit
Prepping Serged Liners
How to Finish the Corners
of Serged Liners
Smoothly Rounding Corners
Neatly Squaring Corners
Efficient Shield Rotary Cutting

Learn how to tessellate ​shields to save fabric and how to use a rotary cutter for fast cutting. Note: You don't have to cut with a rotary. You can opt to trace and cut with scissors, but as you see, using the rotary really speeds things up.

Thinking about setting up a group sewing event? 


Get our tips and planning suggestions here.

More questions?

Email our Sewing Specialists.

The Drawstring Bag
Assembling Complete Kits
How to Assemble a Kit

See what is in a kit and how they are assembled to make quality control easy, kits more compact for shipping and easier to store plus make kit use instruction easier during distribution. Thanks to Cassie and her team for this video.

Cutting PUL with Accuquilt Studio
The Shield
More Tips for Cutting and Sewing Shields
Making the Basted Shield Sandwich
Using the Accuquilt Studio
Using the Accuquilt GO
Can you use our patterns to make kits to distribute yourself?

Yes, if you attribute the pattern and program to Days for Girls so others can also learn about it. Please share your results with us, so we can record it and celebrate with you! Be sure to include the visual instruction sheet (2 sided) and download the Distribution Handbook and visuals here-- It's an important part of the value you are sharing.

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