DfG Festive Fall FUNdraising
Helping girls stay in school.
Fall is one our favorite times of year. We are surrounded by the color orange - our favorite - through the color of leaves, pumpkins, and Halloween decorations. And, we celebrate all of the grisl around the globe who are headed back to school for another year of education.
This year, we are also excited to celebrate all of the incredible opportunities that lie ahead, both for Days for Girls, and for women & girls around the globe. Right now, we are participating in the Revlon Challenge, an opportunity that could win up to $1 Million in funding for Days for Girls. And, on October 11th, we celebrate International Day of the Girl.
In honor of fall & all of the incredible things happening for women & girls around the globe, we want to invite you to celebrate with us! Check out our Festive Fall FUNdraising Activites & the DfG Scare Challenge below. We're excited to see what you are able to accomplish this fall!