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Other Ways to Volunteer

Don't Sew?

Sewing not your expertise?

Too busy this month?

How else can you help?

Sponsor a DFG Volunteer.
Our dedicated volunteers not only donate their time but their valuable resources making shields, liners, and bags for kits. You can help keep a sewist sewing by donating to sponsor a sewist, or by going directly to a local chapter, team or volunteer to provide fabric and/or funding for kit supplies. Days for Girls will get these resources to the women who sew products on a regular basis.
Donate Kit Items or Fabric
You empowering more kits:  Donate washcloths, panties (Girls size 10,12,14, 16), Gallon sized freezer Ziploc baggies (the best source for this is at Costco or Sam's if they are available where you are), fabric or funding and keep kits going to those who need them most. Contact DfGI or your local Chapter to donate.

Help Assemble Kits
Contact your local Chapter or Team. Join them during their assembling nights, cut fabric for a sewist or volunteer your specific talents to help.


Help Days for Girls Fly Higher and Faster

Got miles? You can share your frequent flier miles with DfG and change lives in a big way.  Contact


Join the Team

Use your talents to help Days for Girls International raise awareness, funding and results.

Talk about this important issue
Visit our Raise Awareness Page to Download a Stand UP for Girls Toolkit


Visit our FUNdraise for Days Page

Download a free FUNdraise for Days Toolkit

You have other talents to share.
Contact us with your ideas today!

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