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Monitoring & Evaluation

"The way in which we think of ourselves has everything to do with how our world sees us and how we see ourselves successfully acknowledged by the world." - Arlene Rankin


Every story captured adds up greater support, recognition, and awareness for women and girls in the world.

Data Tells Her Story: Days for Girls' Approach to M&E

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Monitoring & Evaluation, or M&E, is the process of monitoring what's happening, and then evaluating how we did at the end of a project, measured against specific goals.


DfG has developed a series of easy-to-use M&E tools - if you are conducting a Kit distribution or are a partner working in MHM, this tool adapts for your needs.



Statement of Impact:

Creating a more free, dignified, and educated world through lasting access to feminine hygiene solutions.



Increased health and physical empowerment



Increased access to education, an important path of upward mobility for women and girls

Economic Growth


Increased economic empowerment/




Narrative change around women and girls

DfG's M&E Toolkit = Better Support for Women and Girls

Days for Girls is committed to reaching 'Every girl. Everywhere. Period.' What does that look like, and how do we get there? What change are we creating along the way? M&E tells us the answers to these questions.


How We Capture Data

Days for Girls has a large data collection network, through its Chapters, Teams, and Enterprise programs. Chapters and Teams often have the ability to collect a snapshot of what's going on - to do needs assessments. Enterprise programs have the ability to gather data over time, because they're based in the areas where data is collected.


DfG uses KoBo Toolbox, an open-source platform that DfG has used to create surveys. Surveys can be administered in the field through a tablet or phone without access to internet. The data you collect will automatically upload whenever you connect to the internet later.


If you are interested in learning more about DfG's approach to M&E, or if you are a DfG Chapter, Team, Enterprise, or other partner, you're in the right spot!


New to Days for Girls' M&E tools? Check out our intro video below!

Ready to Hop on Board? Here Are Your Options. If you are a Chapter/Team, Micro-Enterprise, or other group already partnering with Days for Girls, you are welcome to click the first link:




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