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Club Days for Girls





Students leading efforts to raise awareness, take action,

and create global change

Community Service

Global Awareness


First Period Parties

Community Service


Service is a cornerstone of DfG Global Action Clubs. Community Service opportunities are left up to the Club and its members to define. Opportunities and projects could include, but are not limited to, volunteering with local Days for Girls Chapters, Relay for Life community events, or food drives or other community sponsored events.  Members are asked to complete a minimum of 10 hours of community service each semester or term.


Club DfG Community Service

Global Awareness


Learn about and participate in global awareness programs. DfG Club members become global citizens as they broaden their horizons and international perspective through interactive projects. 

Club Days for Girls
Club DfG Fundraising



Funds raised by Clubs will be applied to projects of their choice around the globe. As Clubs vary in both size and support, there is no set fundraising goal. We do ask that each Club sponsor at least one fundraiser each semester. 

First Period Parties


Clubs have the opportunity to celebrate girls' first periods together. Girls have a chance to learn about periods in a fun, supportive environment and to support girls who don't have the means to manage their own periods. It's a pad party, ladies!

First Period Parties



  • Becoming a world citizen

  • Participating in international initiatives

  • Building your worldview AND your resume

  • Developing leadership skills

  • Testing your talents on an international level

  • Helping reverse the cycle of poverty

  • Seeing the world through service



Young people age 12-24


Start a school or community Club to empower girls and women, and foster education, leadership, and dignity while serving the local and international community.


1. Find a faculty/adult advisor and fill out the Club Application Form to the right

3. Organize potential members

4. Have your first meeting

5. Change the world!



What’s the difference between a DfG Club and a Team?


DfG Clubs are designed for students or troops; ideally junior high, high school, or college. DfG Clubs reside within schools, universities, or troops. Members will come and go, as will student leadership each year. Clubs can assemble Kits, fundraise, and raise awareness, just as DfG Teams. In addition, they have our DfG Club Handbook to use as a resource for meetings. Members use the handbook and discuss suggested topics. This broadens knowledge of global women's issues and encourages self awareness. Sounds fun, huh?

What will my Club name be?

Your Club name will be your school or troop We use your school or troop name to help you get your name out!

How do I start a DfG Club?

It’s simple: Find a Club Advisor at your school, fill out our Declaration of Interest Form and we’ll get you started. Resources will be sent your way once you’ve confirmed your DfG Club email with us.

Who can be a member?


Any school, university, or troop may start a DfG Club. Our Clubs are set up specifically for groups ranging in age from 12 - 24 years.


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