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Order Days for Girls Kits

Thank you for joining the global network of individuals and partners committed to help women and girls have what they need for menstrual care. Every Kit has the potential to create an amazing chain that can shift a girl's future independence, autonomy, and contribution to the world.

 I am a Peace Corps Volunteer in Ghana, West Africa. I got into contact with one of  your [Chapters]...and she sent me back to Ghana with some Kits...and instructions to make the reusable pads in my village. As a teacher, I have since done so with the girls at my school, and it has been wildly successful! They are now spreading the word across town and with the local seamstresses.

We are ever grateful to Days for Girls for... allowing us to be able to bring this opportunity to our village. It has already made a difference for the girls at my school and I'm sure will continue to do so.


Days for Girls rocks!


Thank you,

Brecken R.

Peace Corps Volunteer, Education, Volta Region, Ghana

Peace Corps volunteer

 Mali, West Africa


Many of our medical team had not seen [the Kits] before [today]. I always love seeing the first response. The thought of needing feminine hygiene supplies just doesn’t cross most people’s minds...And then I can see them considering what it is we are bringing. This is not just a one-time fix or comfort. This is re-usable, month after month after month.  


When [the girls] opened their Kits, it was like the room filled with electricity...I watched the girls finger the soft flannel and open and close the snaps and smell the perfumed hotel soaps. They were thrilled...What beautiful smiles! What a perfect gift. I love that these Kits are made by hand by other women. You can feel and see that they are made with love, each different, each beautiful.


Ann Laemmlen Lewis

Co-Founder of the

Utah Valley Chapter


Days for Girls in Mali

Thank you so much for making a difference in the lives of women and girls! Kits are an important way to spur conversations about health, leadership, and safety...and they are only the beginning. No distribution is complete without health education, so read on for a distribution checklist and helpful hints on what to include in discussions.



  • Distribution Handbook

  • The Official DfG Ambassador of Women’s Health Flipchart: This full-color chart is not only a great teaching tool, but also has much more information than the care booklet. Providing health education is almost as important as the DfG  Kits themselves. Imagine never being told what a period was, or thinking that menstruation was a sign of HIV. Knowledge is the best way to combat shame, protect girls, and bring women and girls all over the world closer together. Purchase here. Take the free course here.

  • Tippy-Tap Handwashing Stations are a great component to add to your distribution. They are also a great way to involve boys. Learn how to make one here.

  • Soap: Each Kit should come with one hotel or travel-size bar of soap, but you can purchase additional bars in the country where you’re going, to make it easier for girls and women to take care of their Kits!

  • Sharpie Markers: These can help identify whose Kit is whose, if you’re doing a distribution in a large group like a boarding school or orphanage.

  • Glitter and/or a beach-ball: These are tools to teach and break down barriers during distribution. See the distribution handbook for more information.




  • Do a panty demonstration: have someone stand on a chair in front of the group and pull underwear up over their pants, and then show how to attach a shield and liner to the underwear. This never fails to crack audiences up, and it’s also a great way to help people understand to use them, especially if they haven’t used underwear before (this is the case in many parts of the world.)

  • Explain how you can layer up with two or more liners per shield if you need more absorbency.

  • Explain how to put soiled liners in one of the Ziplocs for storage until they can wash it, or for pre-soaking before wash (to cut down on water use).

  • Explain how to wash gently, and that you can just use soap and water, and that liners should be dried completely, in the sun.

  • Remind them the Kits have been reported as lasting for up to 3 years, and how long is determined by how well they take care of the Kits.

  • Pick a volunteer to be the teacher and explain back to everyone how to use the Kit.

  • Make time for Q&A. Don’t forget to have fun!




This is VITAL. If recipients don't know how to use DfG Kits properly, this can cause health problems for girls and women, as well as drastically shorten the lifespan of the DfG Kit.


Proper care is vital to ensure no infection happens. Have someone stand up front and demonstrate how to snap a shield/liner onto panties, and then pull the panties on over their pants (this never fails to immediately create a fun and relaxed atmosphere, and to create a connection between the facilitators and girls/women receiving Kits.)


Explain how to add the liners into the shield and how to layer more than one liner for days when their flow is heavy. Many girls like to start with two liners in their shield "just in case". Then they only need to replace the top layer if the second has not become soiled. Show how to remove and fold their soiled liner and tuck it in their Ziploc or wetbag and then apply a new liner.


Explain how to launder and that drying in the sun is essential to killing any germs.


Pass out the DfG Kits and have one of the girls volunteer to "be the teacher" and repeat what you showed as the girls try it themselves.


Be sure to have fun and have Q & A afterwards. Remind them that DfG Kits have been reported by users as lasting 2 -3 years, and that how long they last is determined by how well they care for their DfG Kits.



It's vital for the health of those using DfG Kits and the long term health of the DfG Kit that all recipients learn how to use and properly care for them. Girls should always be instructed to keep soiled components in their extra baggie to be washed daily. The soiled pads should first be rinsed-- this can even be "gray water" (water used for other purposes, such as cooking or cleaning). Then they should gently swish or knead the components just a bit (very gently, we don't want to wear the bag). Then spill away the most "colorful" water into the latrine or toilet where available. In any case, an area away from households and public areas (some areas designate a drainage area.) Many cultures have aversion to handling menses so this pre-wash phase is an important part of enabling easy care. At this point, the kits are quite easy to clean with very little soap and water. 


Important: Ensuring that your DfG Kit components are carefully washed and fully dried is important for maintaining their longevity and keeping them free from bacteria.  While all DfG Kit components can and should be dried in the sun (UV rays kill microbes), there is also the option to iron dry some, but not all, components. DfG Liners can be ironed dry, but please note that ironing DfG Shields will damage their waterproof layer. For this reason, DfG Shields should never be ironed to dry.  

What if they don't have access to water? Then washable kits are not for them... until they have access to water. A clean DfG Kit is a healthy DfG Kit. Period.

Distribution Checklist Anchor
Existing Leader or Team Known

I'M PART OF AN EXISTING DfG TEAM (or have already connected with a Team to supply DfG to me)

If you are a member of a Team or have already connected with a Team that is supplying your DfG Kits, there is no need to complete an Order Form. Instead, we simply ask that you provide us with the details of your upcoming Distribution *HERE. You will then get all the same great resources that accompany the DfG Kit Request! Your feedback is incredibly important to enabling us to know how close we are to reaching 'Every girl. Everywhere. Period' , and to be able to direct resources to where the need is greatest. Bonus: sending in your information means we are able to include your efforts on our global impact map, so you can see how your work is a vital piece of the ensuring every woman and girl has what she needs to succeed. 

*Please note: The form linked to above is to be completed by the person who will actually be distributing the DfG Kits. If you are completing the form on behalf of someone else who will be doing the actual distribution, please confirm the details with them. 

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