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Reaching for the Next Level

DfG Pod - "starter" pack sold by Micro-Enterprises

Living in a conflict, or post-conflict situation, means life can change in the blink of an eye, and "solutions" can feel fleeting, insecure, or like bandaids to the real problems going on. At Days for Girls, we can't solve every challenge faced by Syrian refugees today (we wish we could!) - but there is one problem we can help to solve: access to basic hygiene for women and girls. GlobalGiving has provided the opportunity to learn more about the menstrual hygiene and women's health needs faced by Syrian refugees, mostly in Lebanon, and to distribute DfG Kits and education in specific areas. Now, the GlobalGiving community is helping us take our impact to the next level!

Days for Girls, with the support of GlobalGiving, is embarking on a partnership with Mercy Corps Lebanon to empower girls and women in three community Centers with DfG Kits, Ambassador of Women's Health training, and training & materials to launch DfG Micro-Enterprises. This means that in addition to an initial set of free DfG Kits being made available, girls and women will have long term access to purchase DfG Kits (or components) from local Syrian women running these Micro-Enterprises. Micro-Enterprises are currently benefitting from comprehensive evaluation on a global level to improve the materials and resources we use to get them started and support their on-going efforts!

The past few months have been filled with planning calls, drafting work plans, translating materials, reviewing previous research and notes, and mapping supply chain to make this all possible. In the next quarter, Days for Girls will travel to Lebanon to implement this program with our friends at Mercy Corps. It's true this solution hasn't happened in the blink of an eye, but you can bet the impact will be lasting, secure, and addressing the real hygiene access needs of this population. Thank you for making this possible!

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