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She's Counting on You... Are You In?

I am a big believer in dreams. But I must admit, I never imagined I would be traveling around the world talking about menstruation at the age of 55. I dreamed instead of playing with my grandchildren, or maybe writing a book, or even having time to read a book! But that was before I stumbled upon this need in 2008. As someone who grew up without many resources, I was working to ensure that others had the food and shelter they so deserved. But I hadn’t thought about menstrual hygiene, or what truly happens when girls go without. You see, when we first distributed pads to girls at the orphanage in Nairobi, we knew that pads would help the girls go to class. But it wasn’t until the girls shared what had been happening - that the director of the orphanage and some of the teachers kept pads in his office that they would give to girls only if they would sleep with them in return. That is when Days for Girls was born. I thought that if we could reach one girl, if we could keep that story from happening to one girl, that would be enough. And today, that hope has grown into something much bigger - we have reached over 800,000 women and girls in over 110 countries. When I hear the dreams of girls around the world - that they want to stay in school, that they want to become a teacher, or a doctor, or the president someday - I listen, because those dreams once seemed very far away to me too. And that is why I am asking you to join with me to reach 1 million women and girls through our #CountHERin campaign. Between now and January 1st, we’re aiming to raise enough funds or make enough DfG Kits needed to reach 200,000 more girls bringing our total to 1 million! I dream of no girl going without. I dream of every girl and woman knowing that she matters, that she counts. And that is why today, I am reaching out to ask for your partnership in helping us cross the finish line to 1 million. Let’s do this! 1 million is in sight. Can I count YOU in to keep her dreams alive? With Gratitude, P.S. To donate to the campaign or start your own fundraising page or team, click here.

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