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"It's Just an Ear!" And Other Adventurers With Days For Girls (Rated PG-13)

"It's Just an Ear!" And Other Adventurers With Days For Girls (Rated PG)

(This post was originally published on July 8, 2012 on Blogger)

Adventures Abound

We just learned that there are chimanzee's and gorillas in the highlands here!!! I did not know this or I would have scheduled two days to go be with them. Imagine a silverback in the wild. Kayte says she is NOT going.

In truth we can't as our schedule is full... but next time. Danger or no... we go. Tee hee.

Speaking of danger, I am no longer allowed to text. I was trying to text my husband and sent my love and I am truly "all thumbs" when it comes to the old style of "thumb intuative texting" on old phones. Well I accidently sent an I love you message to... our taxi driver. Who immediately sent a message back to KAYTE saying, "OH! I love you too Kayte!!!" I'm busted. Kayte was mortified. We LIKED that driver and planned to use him again. No more texting for me. Tee hee.

Great day of catching up yesterday after not being able to connect much. I had over 300 emails waiting for me. We leave for the northlands today. I don't know how much access we will have to internet.

AMAZING connections here. Miracles. Let's just say that a mix up in our flights ended up having us getting to meet with international Rotary in Uganda regarding WATER and SANITATION and well, you can't make that happen just like that.

"It's Just An Ear!"

So, funny thing happened yesterday Kayte was making copies of our Ambassador's training manual which we had just added a few things to. She noticed that the last page was formated funny so she had to reprint it. She went to the office where it was printed off and there was a line of youth missionaries along the wall staring at the picture on the printer of... anatomical intercourse (interior view).

(In the reproductive health part of our training when we get to the anatomy we explain that there is nothing to be ashamed about. We point to our arm and say, "Arm..." Then point down "Vagina. Both are an important part of your body". Then point to the male anatomy chart and say, "Penis... (then pointing up) ear. Both have important functions. ")

Poor Kayte says she grabbed it from the printer and kept saying to herself, "It's just an ear. It's just an ear." Tee hee. Her face was still red when she got back to the room! Adventures with Days for Girls!

Okay, we're off to Gulu in our twist skirt and Keen sandals. I'm the one with the beastly hair up in a barrett. I tell you what, sometimes I wish I could trade hair with someone. Who has hair like this in all of the pictures? Someone asked if we wanted to have TV coverage. No thanks. Can I stick to radio? We'll share photos and more very soon. Promise

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