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About Expeditions


Expeditions provide a unique opportunity for philanthropists and volunteers to experience the global impact being created by the Days for Girls model. These trips combine DfG Kit distributions, Enterprise support, health trainings, and unforgettable tourism opportunities.

Join Us in NEPAL: November 1-6, 2019

Join us for an exciting adventure to Nepal to meet women and girls who are leading Days for Girls Enterprises, teaching health education in schools, and sewing DfG Kits. On this trip, you will join up to ten other Days for Girls supporters to learn how Days for Girls Nepal is changing lives and communities. 

During your travels, you will meet with the Days for Girls Nepal team, travel with them to meet Enterprise leaders, and participate in a number of distributions in the field. We will also dedicate time to explore some of the sights and wonders of Nepal.  
Through this program, you will be offered the opportunity of a lifetime. Our small group will be able to see how their direct donations contribute to keeping girls in school and provide dignity and opportunity for so many. 

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Days for Girls Ghana Expedition
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